Measles cases are continuing to rise across the country, so please check you are fully vaccinated and, if not, call the practice to book an appointment for your vaccination. Also, if you are presenting with a rash and temperature DO NOT COME INTO THE PRACTICE but please call and speak to our reception team for advice.

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Sick / Fit Note

Fit notes are issued to patients by doctors following an assessment of their fitness for work. A fit note is issued after the first seven days of sickness absence (when patients can self-certify) if the doctor assesses that the patient’s health and condition will affect their fitness for work a fit note may be issued so the patient and employer can consider ways to help them return to work.

The doctor can decide the patient is 'unfit for work' or 'may be fit for work subject to the following advice...' with accompanying notes on suggested adjustments, phased return or adaptations to the job role or workplace.

A fit note is not needed if you are fit and well enough to return to work as normal.

Request a Sick / Fit Note

How long have you been off work? *  

If you are off work for 7 days or less, you do not need to contact your GP for a sick note.

Your employer may however require you to complete a self-certification form (SC2) which is available from your employer, or you can download it from the HMRC website.

To request a sick/fit note, please submit an online consultation here.